Silverfish and a mummified spider

By Sarah

This week at the Redoubt I have been checking our insect pest traps. We lay these sticky traps throughout the building to catch any moths or bugs that can damage the objects in the collection.

The poster below shows the insect pests that can be found in museums. Moths can happily munch their way through a whole uniform if left undetected and silverfish live for paper!

Insect pests, the scurge of the museum!
Luckily this month we didn’t have many bugs in the traps, just a few silverfish…
Silverfish love paper
One really interesting, or disgusting, discovery was this trap…which was laid in 2013 and unchecked until today!
Look away now if you are squeamish about bugs!

A 3 year-old trap

A mummified spider
